The Mentoring Meeting 101

Coaching and Leadership Development
A 5-Step Mentoring Process

Many have asked me about my mentoring process. Here is a quick reference to how I operate in coaching. Use as you would like.

1. A personal mission statement is key to you mentoring in your sweet spot. You do not want to be in relationship and coaching with people who do not have the same passion and interest as you do. There is a reason I do not mentor business majors. And why I mentor ministry majors.

-Keep it short. Simple. And define your strengths and greatest interests. And stay true to this statement.
-If you are interested, I have a starter page for your mission statement. Email me and I can send it.

 2. Communication of the entire process will allow for definition of the objectives and defining the win for both of you. Use this communication periodically to do mid course correction and make sure you are accomplishing what you want to.

-This would be a packet or an introductory page with the process in it (again, email me and I have a handout). This might include introduction meeting with each mentor and protégé, info page with times, various teachings, etc.
-Rules and guidelines can add success and guidance to the meetings.

3. You should be pursued by the Protégé/Mentee and not have to worry about the interest of the person you are meeting with. If they do not show commitment, then find someone else. If there is no chemistry, the process will not work. There must be a sense of loyalty and interest from the mentee.

-Give them one chance to keep the strategies in the packet. No grace after you have been clear with the guidelines. They may have to try it again another time.
-Here are a few questions to ask: Are they on time? Have they completed any assignments? Do you look forward to the meetings?

4. Measurement allows you to stay on task and stops mission drift or sway. Always take a few minutes and ask for review of the meetings and what the mentee is learning. This can reinforce the culture and the purpose of the relationship. How do you know the meetings will be successful Without measurement?

-Write out the role of the mentor and the mentee in the process
-You don’t want wasted meetings because that can create an ineffective relationship.

5. Know when to be finished with a mentoring relationship so it doesn’t produce co-dependency. I have rarely gone more than 6-8 months on a weekly basis. You can accomplish plenty of growth in this amount of time. Every relationship can fall into a time of impasse. Be careful of seeing this impasse and shock the meetings with creativity.

-Be creative with meetings (place, times, setting, and timeframe)
-Creative place to meet (lunch - ball game - mall – with other people), cancel a meeting, change the topic, bring in another mentor, etc.
Jeff Grenell