See You At The Pole

There are moments in everyone's life that require commitment. Especially in the face of opposition.   In 1962-1964 an initiative was launched to remove praying from our public schools. But you cannot remove praying students from our public schools. I believe this generation is going to lead the Next Great Awakening in America. Join millions of students Wednesday am at school flag poles across the planet.

In the 25 year history of SYATP, I have never missed a morning around a school flag pole. Sometimes alone, but, mostly with students and leaders who have something to say about the Next Great Awakening in America. It is my goal to be at a pole EVERY year of my life. Please don't miss this.

We must not allow those who have initiated the movement of taking prayer out of schools to succeed. Our involvement is the proof of that. Because there are moments in everyone's life that require commitment. I believe it is just such a moment for this generation.

#globalweekofstudentprayer #TheAmericanChristianTeenager
Jeff Grenell