If you need any kind of help there are several things you can do. Please speak with a parent or guardian, with a coach or teacher, or with a Youth Leader in your life. If you don't have a Youth Leader, please get in touch with us at ythology and we will connect you immediately with a Youth Leader in your area. Below are several 24 hour Youth Services that will help you in any way they can.

You can also call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1.800.273.8255 24 hours a day. There is always someone to turn to!

Legal Notice:
The content of the
ythology web site is intended only for broad, general advice, and should not replace one-on-one consultation with a trained professional. As with all health-related issues, please refer to your personal physician, registered dietitian, counselor or licensed therapist for a full evaluation and to determine the best course of treatment.


If you would like to feed a child for a month you can donate here. Just $10 a month feeds and educates a child for a month.

Give one time or renewable on a monthly basis.



Online interactive help for bullying/self-harm/addictions and more right here.


And you can read an electronic copy of My Broken Palace book right here.



A great resource if you are confused, self-harming, feeling hopeless or considering suicide.



Live-in centers globally for anyone struggling with addictions, substance abuse, or needing spiritual help.



Our human trafficking initiative if you are concerned about human trafficking or sexual exploitation. If you give here we will keep you posted on all of our rescues.
