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Marriage & YTH Ministry (2/2)

Healthy marriages build healthy homes that build healthy children who build healthy YTH ministry.

So, as YTH leaders, we are going to give you practical ways to raise healthy PK’s!

Look, we should be spending as much time as we can on our children and developing their gifts as much as we are spending on the students in our youth ministries.


Our greatest contribution to the world is our children. The time we spend on discipling our children is the most valuable time we have. Let me give you 10 ways that we win with our PK’s.

1. Family dinner

We had a rule at our dinner table - EVERYONE COULD TALK WITH FOOD IN THEIR MOUTHS!

Jane would always have something creative we were going to do for our devos - a project or object lesson or illustration that went along with our devos.

For example, Jane had an idea at one of our family devos to make paper lunch sacks with fruit in them. We explained to the kids that each of them had a bag. And the fruit in the bag was their life. But if they did not do their devotions and spend time with God, their life would rot.

We kept the fruit in the bag for several weeks and as the fruit got spoiled rotten we had the kids open it up. What a mess - it was a powerful illustration of the importance of our devotions.

2. Acting out bible stories

One of the devo regulars was acting out the Bible stories we would read. The kids really loved this and Jane and I would laugh out loud watching the kids be bummed that they couldn’t be Jesus in the story that night!

For example, we would act out Zaccheus and sing the children’s song and I would be the tree and the kids would climb up on me. And, by the time it was all over, we were rolling on the ground and laughing.

3. Books & Videos

Reading a book together or watching videos became more pop after the kids were older. They would shake their heads when I got the computer out and open up TedTalks at the dinner table.

4. Kids ownership of the devo

Jane and I learned so much from our kids when we would assign them their devo takeover. We would let each of them lead, or pray, or choose the meal, or whatever.

The kids will never forget those moments and I’m watching them now do the same things in their home with my 6 grandkids.

5. The Bible daily

We took a commandment a day and focused on it, a verse in the love chapter, a beatitude, a fruit of the spirit, a piece of the Armour.

6. Church is not an option

We started that rule from infancy and now they would never want to miss a Sunday school or youth night. Early routines create long term patterns.

7. Jesus first every day

Another thing we’ve done that’s so important is to focus on Jesus first. We talk about seeking God first and doing that with our first thoughts in the morning before we do anything on our phones or other distractions. Tell your kids to read the verse of the day on the BibleApp before anything else.

8. Worship culture in the home

We also set the atmosphere with praise and worship playing constantly. This has taught them to be aware of what is going in their minds because thoughts become attitudes and attitudes become actions. It all starts with our thoughts and worship is a mind map.

9. Fine Arts involvement

For those of you who do not know, Fine Arts is like a talent competition such as American Idol or America’s Got Talent and is really important in our church. This has been such a powerful way to help young people develop their spiritual gifts.

I love that they are spending hours practicing sermons and acting out Bible stories instead of gaming or watching Netflix for hours.

But, one more thing we want to focus upon this week. We talked last week about the power of our words and the declarations over our marriages, but, what about declarations we speak over our children.

10. Declarations

We’ve always made it a habit to be sure we are speaking more life giving words than negative words in a day. A practical way we’ve done this is to have morning and night Declarations over our kids.

Here are some examples.

“For I know the thoughts I think toward you says the Lord, Thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11

“For God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7

“You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.” -Philippians 4:13

“The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:7

“My sons do not forget my law but let your heart keep My commands for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” -Proverbs 3:1-3

Take these or write you own. You can find them on the linktree on our socials.


Our greatest contribution to the world is our children. Healthy marriages build healthy homes that build healthy children who build healthy YTH ministry.

Because what we say really is important and life-shaping. Culture-setting. And building the vibe of our marriage & homes & ultimately our YTH ministry.

Jeff Grenell