My stance on this weeks topic probably won't be a surprise to many of you.
I think that Youth Leaders who don't go to See You At The Pole are making excuses and not effort. I completely understand. We are all busy. We all get sick. We all have children. We all have a job. We all go out of town. We all have priorities.
And that’s really what it is all about. PRIORITIES.
See You At The Pole is the largest Teenage prayer movement in the history of the world. 7 million teenagers, faculty, staff, leaders, and parents globally and 4 million in America will gather around the school flag pole to pray for an Awakening in our nation.
I don’t believe that we can ask teenagers to make a commitment to prayer unless we are willing to do the same as their leaders. How can I look my Generation in the face and challenge them to pray for their friends if I am not willing to get up early one morning a year, stand at a school flag pole, and pray with teenagers?
That’s why I have never missed a See You At The Pole in 32 years. In a nation of freedom we can gather without oppression and make corporate prayers without fear of being arrested or silenced.
Prayer is the most significant movement in youth ministry history. Because it could be the foundation of everything that we do. We cannot lose a free prayer meeting!
So, here are my solutions to a Youth Leader’s excuses of attending SYATP every year - not monthly or weekly, but, every year …
“Our Campus is a closed Campus”
I get it. Some Campuses are tougher to get on because of the leadership (Superintendent, Principal, Board, previous issue at the school, etc.). But there is no such thing as a closed Campus. Only closed vision. And effort.
Why is the campus not closed? BECAUSE you are already on every Campus since your students are on Campus. BECAUSE you can go to extra-curricular events and activities. BECAUSE you are paying the taxes to have representation on that Campus through your involvement in the ways that are allowed. Such as School Board meetings, parent meetings, sporting events, band competitions, theatre and drama performances, etc. BECAUSE every campus can be seen from across the street if you really cannot get on site.
"This is for the Students"
Right. Your students. And they deserve your presence. There is nothing that keeps you from standing at the school flag pole with your students and being with them. In the case of a Campus that will NOT allow you to be there, stand across the street. This kind of 'withness' may be the relationship your students are looking for.
Each year I would meet a teacher or a coach, or a principal and build that relationship the rest of the year. Other Youth Leaders were there and it gave me a chance to connect with them and go out for breakfast and talk about how we can reach the city together.
"But I work"
If you asked your boss for an hour, what would they say? If you stayed an hour later or came an hour earlier to work. What about going to SYATP after work? What about taking one of your vacation days? I work too.
And I was really sick one year. It rained another year. And it snowed several years. I was out of town about 9 or 10 years.
And, I'll never forget talking to Jane the night before SYATP when she was laying in bed sick with cancer - telling her that I would miss this historic prayer meeting for the first time ever. Because I needed to take care of her.
She didn't take kindly to that. As she was lying in bed the night before SYATP, she told me, "I'll be fine. See you when you get back." I kissed her that next morning and told her I would be back in an hour. She said, "I'll still be here. I'm not going anywhere."
"But I have children"
Yes. And they would love to go to SYATP. With their daddy or mommy. I've done it. When they were young and when they were in high school. One of the most fulfilling things to me was to see my kids at SYATP with their friends. It was a great way to start the school year. Plus, there was always donuts and juice. And kids love that.
Here's another reason why I haven't ever missed a SYATP…
32 years ago, a junior high girl got up one morning and changed the way we pray for our schools. One junior high girl in Texas with a vision to pray for her school. It was raining that morning in 1990 but it didn't discourage her. Now, 32 years later, students are still praying for their schools. She started a revolution, will you keep it going?
From the beginning of the movement the following year with about 18,000 students in the Dallas Reunion Arena, See You At The Pole (SYATP) became public.
I have seen elementary, junior high, high school, and college students praying for their school. I have seen young adults, parents, policeman, politicians, principals, coaches, and teachers praying at flag poles. We even did an airplane flyover at several schools and announced live on the air.
Don't let excuses or fear keep you from this. Don't forget this world-wide prayer meeting that saw 7 million students praying around flag poles last year.
Listen, there are always excuses. But EFFORT will remove most excuses. Make it a priority. Make prayer a priority. I believe it is the simplest and cheapest way to grow youth ministry. We don’t have to go to board members or our lead pastor to ask for the resources or permission to pray.
I have told my students that if I fail to teach them how to pray, I have failed them as a youth leader. In a free country, may we never lose the privilege and blessing of free prayer!
May we be a generation who seeks after God. May we be the LEADERS of a generation who seek after God…
“Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, or sworn with deceit. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord. This is the generation who seeks after Him....” -Psalm 24.1-6
I hope this weeks challenge will inspire you to greater prayer and involvement in the local school campus.
Check out all of our resources on the link tree in our socials…