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Teenagers & Generosity

Thank you for joining us at ythology resources every week! We try to bring you resources every week to help your youth leadership.

This week we are doing a new topic that several leaders around the country have asked about lately. And I haven’t hit this topic for about 6-7 years.

It is the topic of finances and money and giving.

Now, you might be thinking that students are broke. That is simply not true. Well, let’s just say they know where to get the money. I’m sure all the parents know what I’m talking about.


Many churches have done a series on tithing and generosity. And it has made me think about the giving of this generation of young people. Most stats prove that teens spend about 300 billion dollars every year. They are big time consumers. And I would like to see the church capitalize on this spending trend for the benefit of poverty, starvation, and Mission.

The problem with this is that most of us have never outgrown the childish desire to take and to hold. When a child has a grip on their favorite toy they cannot be separated from it very easily. If a child is set upon wearing a certain shirt and you try to redress them, you are in for a battle.

In the same way, all of us have to grow into giving. Especially when it comes to the tithe - the biblical principle of giving 10% back to the Lord. I’m not going to defend tithing here because I believe strongly that it is biblically sound.

Well, actually, the New Testament concept of giving is that we would give everything. But I’m sure we don’t want to have a discussion about that. So let’s just stick to the 10%!

A quick glance at the numbers shows that as a church we haven't been obedient to the tithe and generosity.

-Only about 12% of evangelicals tithe - and about 30% of Pentecostals tithe

-The number of churches who reported decline in giving in the church increased to 36% from 28% a year ago

-The average American only gives between 1% and 3% of their income to any charity

-Although only about 12% of people tithe, 78% of churchgoers have given an offering at least once a month


Numbers like that can invoke a lot of opinion. What I want to focus upon is generosity. What could happen if the church would give the biblical command to tithe?

If believers were to increase their giving to a minimum of, let's say, 10 percent there would be an additional $165 billion for churches to use and distribute. The global impact would be phenomenal. Here's just a few things the Church could do with the kind of money:

-$25 billion could relieve global hunger, starvation and deaths from preventable diseases in five years

-$12 billion could eliminate illiteracy in five years

-$15 billion could solve the world’s water and sanitation issues, specifically at places in the world where 1 billion people live on less than $1 per day

-$1 billion could fully fund all overseas mission work in the church

-$100 – $110 billion would still be left over for additional ministry expansion and taking care of the poor right here in our own country

Those are some amazing numbers.

So how do we increase giving (and not just tithing) amongst the youth in our culture? Here are 4 ways to see our youth involved in greater generosity:

1. FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM - The real problem is not about money but about the heart.

As Jesus said in Matthew 6, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:21-23)

We must deal with the heart first. If we win the heart, we win the actions.

2. MODEL GIVING - As youth leaders we have to model giving in our personal daily lives.

When young people see us as givers, it will be easy for them to follow. Do they hear us talking about giving, paying for a meal for them, or even living on less. Because parents give about 87% of the teen disposable income to their children, what about asking teens to give part of that to the church?

Even a little goes a long way. Like giving their birthday money, their graduation money, or their Christmas money to a specific cause.

Another idea to increase teenage giving is to promote giving in the youth service - give opportunities, or teach annually on giving, highlight a teenager who is giving. Modeling giving encourages everyone else to do the same.

3. PRESENT A CAUSE - One thing I have learned about young people in 38 years working with them is that they love a cause.

When you can clearly define a need to youth they will step up and do something about it. It might be money for a well in Africa or donated clothes for the homeless in their own community.

Or, it could be their time to serve at a homeless shelter or food kitchen - or, giving directly to a missions pledge in their youth ministry.

Define the cause and teenagers will get in line.

4. TELL THE STORY - If you praise a kid for giving they will fall in love with giving. This principle is tied to their identity and need for acceptance.

We don't tell our stories in Christianity very well. We must celebrate wins better. It isn't humility to keep a good deed hidden. I understand privacy and motive with our tithing records, but, I don't believe our motives are carnal to publish His works through a teens giving. It could also stir others to good deeds.

Telling a teenager and their story of giving puts all of these practical ideas together into a highly motivational tool to show other teenagers they can do the same thing


Remember that teen disposable income spending in America is about 300 billion dollars every year. If we fail to teach and model and create generosity in our teens we fail to direct that money to the kingdom.

Because giving and generosity are not something that comes natural to humankind, we have to start somewhere. Maybe these practical ideas will help your teens become investors and not just consumers.

Jeff Grenell