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10 Signs of a Sexually Healthy Home

In the Winter of 2020 global COVID-19 Corona virus outbreak, something interesting began to take place in American Homes. With the pandemic virus spreading through the U.S., President Donald Trump issued a quarantine order called “Shelter in Place” to slow the spread of the deadly virus.

Except for “essential” services, the American people would spend about 14 weeks sheltered in their homes without being able to go to work, attend school, gather in public gatherings, or travel. All public events and gatherings were cancelled or postponed in some form for about 7 months, including entertainment venues, sporting events, and religious services.

Time Will Tell

What began to take place during this order, would have a significant impact on American families.  Aided by programming and resources from the government, schools, the entertainment industry, and the church, families were forced to be together with no place to go. Like no other time, they would eat together, watch movies in front rooms, play board games, and chronicle it all on social media for the world to see. But what seemed like an inconvenience at first, began to yield a change in the make-up of the American home. 

The research is not in yet. But it will be remarkable to see if we wasted this pandemic or if we purposed it.

 Will the next ten years look different in our society because of this emphasis? Could it be the fruit of a 2020 global pandemic virus outbreak yields healthier homes for decades to come? Will the research prove one of the most difficult times in modern American history puts into motion a family revival? What could be the social impact and subsequent shifts in culture because of the familial relationships that bonded during this time in history? Will identity issues, sexuality trends, academic scores, drug and alcohol use, bullying, theological world-views, and a multitude of other adolescent trends in children and teens improve?

The Impact of Healthy Families on Society

 This moment in recent American history could make a greater impact on our nation than the COVID-19 virus ever could. What we do with our families in this crisis moment will impact our nation much more than a virus. So, how are we making sure we do not waste this moment?

Here are 10 signs of a sexually healthy family…

  1. Prioritizing the Bible in our homes as the authoritative moral framework for every issue (the scriptures guide family behavior)

  2. There is a balance of lived experiences between the home, church, school, workplace, and the community (this assures a symbiotic relationship in spiritual, social, and sexual formation between the culture and the scriptures)

  3. The atmosphere is constructive and affectionate (loving and genuine relationships create a safe place to develop strong identities)

  4. Parents must model a healthy sexual relationship in front of the kids (display public affection and words of affirmation so the children learn what marriage should be like)

  5. Children are respectful of each other and honor each other (this internal example will model healthy interpersonal relationships outside the home)

  6. Family behavior at home, the church, school, work, and the community are consistent (worship, prayer, devotion, and spiritual discussions are not reserved for the church setting)

  7. Everyone in the family knows how everyone is doing (developing spousal, parental, and sibling communication will increase familial accountability)

  8. Creating an atmosphere of conversations of forgiveness and grace result in healthy relationships (allow the family to fail openly and help each other move forward after failure)

  9. A Sabbath day of rest is vital to family sanity and strength (a Sabbath will separate children from unhealthy relationships - plan a day without relationships, assignments, chores, socials, events, or deadlines)

  10. Make memories and deepen relationships with vacation or stay-cations or day-cations (these can become anticipated renewals that reset the family priorities)


If something like this became the 10 commandments of how families operated, can you imagine how different the world would be? The greatest problem in a teenager’s world is not the government, education, social media, the corporate world, or an out of control media.  The greatest problem  in our world today is unhealthy family formation. When families are heathy, society will follow.

Jeff Grenell