The White Coat Study
This week’s blog is a manuscript from a conversation with Mark Gerson. A noted author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.
Our conversation deals with a social experiment, and, a discussion on the scriptures.
It is an interesting study.
It’s called the ”White Coat Test”. A group of students were given a doctor’s white coat, and, another group of students were given a painter’s white coat. After a period of time, the students work was tested and who do you think produced a greater work?
The Social And Personal Impact Of Dress
Let’s look at the outcomes of this study.
As you can probably guess, it was the students who were given the doctor’s white coat. This is not a statement about the importance or need of doctors or painters, but, the aura around these professions.
Could it be the persona that comes along with the doctor’s and the painter’s professions changed the outcome?
It simply says something about the social psychology of dress. Maybe you remember hearing the catch-phrase of Deion Sanders, one of the all-time great athletes in America, “Look good, feel good, play good, and get paid good.”
The social and personal influence of dress has an important impact on not only the person, but also, the people around them.
The Importance And The Power Of The Scriptures
Secondly, we also have a discussion on the importance and the power of the Scriptures in the life of young people.
The Scriptures are more than a history book, more than an anthropology, and more than the best selling book of all time. The Scriptures are inspired by God and a prescription for both life and godliness. There is natural and spiritual practice and wisdom in the Scriptures.
When you look at the state of Next Gen ministry in our country today, we need a greater emphasis on theology. If you followed us for any period of time, you know that this is a major emphasis of our ministry. To restore the importance of theology in children’s, youth, and young adult ministry.
Theater has been an over-emphasis above theology for too long. Yes, we can have both theology and theater. The two can exist together. But we must swing the balance to theology in Next Gen.
When we break down the importance and the power of scriptures in the life of young people, we come to realize the supernatural makeup of the Bible and its impact on the social, emotional, relational, and spiritual parts of our lives.
Next Gen leaders must help young people develop a disciplined spiritual formation. To help young people create practices that protect their principles by emphasizing the priority of scripture reading.
Join me and Mark Gerson, a remarkable entrepreneur and author, as we talk about the personal and social influence of dress, and, the importance and power of the Scriptures.
Go to the Linktree in our socials and you can watch the conversation on YouTube and listen to the conversation on the iTunes and Spotify podcasts.