Total Wellness & YTH Ministry
This week we are handling the topic of total wellness. I have been getting a lot of interest around the country with this topic. It seems like every question and response time that we have with leaders this topic comes up.
Humanity. What are we doing with what God has given us? We are who we are on purpose. Either a bad purpose or a good purpose.
Our wellness is not only defined by our biblical design, it is defined by our sleep patterns, our nutrition, our exercise, and our time management. And there is a definite trend towards unhealthy lifestyles today. If you look around it’s pretty clear that our health is a problem in the U.S.
The United States is not even in the top 10 healthiest countries in the world.
You have heard it said that ‘leaders are readers.’ I think that it should be said that 'leaders are sleepers, leaders are eaters, and leaders are walkers!’
The best leaders value their total wellness. For example, many people boast that they are soooo busy and they have noooo time for themselves. Or that they are ‘burning the candle at both ends’.
But it isn't a badge of honor to declare your busyness as production. I’ve seen busy that was anything but production.
Okay, It is no secret that America is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world. Statistics say that 34% of Americans are overweight (about 190 million people). Aside from this, there are 33 million people in America who have been diagnosed with clinical depression. And as we saw last week, 40% of mental health facility patients are teenagers.
We are addicted to leisure and coveting. Could it be that we are over-materialistic and yet still cannot get enough? Could it be that we have the best of technology but we are still wanting more connectivity? Could it be that we have more pleasure in America but we are as unhappy as ever?
One of my favorite principles in the bible is rest. AS WE JUST SAID, ‘do not equate busyness with production.’ In all actuality, that is simply untrue. We need a greater purpose and not busyness. A better commitment to business and commerce and efficiency and not busyness.
A quick reference to Exodus 31:12-17 and the Sabbath Principle and 2 Timothy 2:1-7 and the Stewardship Principle, will support the priority of rest AND the value of sowing and reaping.
After watching a recent popular video on 'Play Deprivation', or PD, I have come to find that there are many important factors in creating a balanced life. Some of those important elements would include Time and Task Management, Study and Reading, and Recreation, Nutrition, and SLEEP.
But one of the most important health factor is PLAY. We have forgotten how to relax / play and the result is unhealthy lifestyles, being uptight, an increase in anger, lack of creativity, loss of confidence, lack of exploration, and social awkwardness. I’ll get to play in a minute…
As spiritual leaders, we have some important tasks to consider – sermon prep/study, counseling/appointments, leadership development and delegation, personal and professional development, mentoring, administration, community involvement, and personal rest and recreation.
If we are not balanced, we can become buried by these duties and the schedule as a youth pastor (or anyone for that matter) and the result can be devastating to the destruction of our family or youth ministry or church or personal health and wellness.
One of the safeguards for a healthy life is recreation. And, it is apparent that there is a play deprivation in our culture. A lack of emphasis upon leisure.
Think about the following safeguards and the questions and stir your interest in total wellness activities that bring greater mental and physical health.
1. Play is a SAFEGUARD to total health
Ask yourself these “Play History” questions:
-When is the last time you played with an object? (ball, squeeze toy, or object)
-How do you relieve tension or stress from your life?
-When is the last time you laughed? Who are the last people you laughed with?
-How often do you run? How often do you jump? How often do you laugh?
-How often do you make up a game?
The fruit of wellness is less stress, loss of complexity, spiritual leadership, more focus, self-respect, physical stamina, confidence, discipline in life, and mental toughness. I think most of us would love to have more of these in our life. How do we gain this? Try the following:
2. Exercise is a safeguard
First, exercise and remove the energy in your body for at least 60 minutes 4 days a week
Second, get outdoors and breath clean air
Third, find a hobby that is strenuous, makes you sweat, take the stairs, walk instead of drive a mile, etc.
Much of the reason we are too tired is because we don’t get enough exercise. Not because we have exercised too much.
3. Nutrition is a safeguard
You are shaped by how you play, how you exercise, what you eat, and how you sleep.
First, change your diet away from caffeine and sugar (Much of your unrest could be nutritional)
Second, eat light 4 times a day instead of eating large amounts 3 times a day.
Third, I changed my life by eating two meals a day. And not eating after 10 pm (I go to sleep at 1 am).
All of us should have a 10 hour slot every day where we have no food intake and we are not eating. The body needs that important fast cycle.
4. Sleep is a safeguard
Leaders honor the SABBATH. Jesus was onto something here. Sabbath is not a suggestion. It is a commandment.
First, As much as possible, go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time everyday.
Second, One of the best ways I found to relax when it is time to sleep is to organize your life and thoughts by creating a ‘to-do’ list for what may be coming up in your schedule the next few days. AND, a ‘not-to-do list’ of things that waste your time.
Third, don’t work before bed because it stimulates your mind and your senses and will be difficult to sleep.
Our total health is holistic. It requires discipline’s in a lot of these areas. Play, exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Each of these play into our physical, spiritual, and emotional health.
As much as we talk about spiritual disciplines, we must talk about physical disciplines. Because it is both spiritual and physical disciplines that create the person we are.
Please understand that I’m not asking us to be Wonderwoman or Superman. This is not about perfect health it is about optimal health.
I understand body types. But don’t lose sight of becoming the healthiest body type you are! Your body type is not an excuse for Obesity or for Anorexia or Bulimia. God expects that we do the best we can with our temples that He’s given to us.
Total wellness is total discipline. Remember, we are what we play. We are what we exercise. We are what we eat. We are what we sleep.
You are in the condition you are on purpose. Either a bad purpose or a good purpose.
Just a few small steps - steps steps (see what I did there) - every day will transform your total health.
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