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Important Principles For A Camp Speaker

With Summer Camp underway, here are some thoughts on the privilege and ethic of being a Camp speaker. When you think about the preparation that young people, their parents, and leaders place upon the total Camp experience, it becomes clear how important the old of a Camp speaker actually is.

Here are some principles I have learned after 5 decades of going to Camp in various roles - camper, leader, director, worship team, and speaker.

My 5 Camp Principles:

1. Monday afternoon at camp is one of the most important times of the week

On the first day of Camp there are initial moments that will set the course for the week. As a speaker, we get a chance to connect with the students and the leaders, we get a feel for the vibe of the Camp, and we can connect with the worship team.

It is here where we teach students that Ministry is presence and not just presentation.

2. Relationship in the field gives me access in the chapel

Please don’t be the person who shows up on the platform, but spends more time in the speakers cabin. Throughout the week my involvement in the Camp activities give me a huge advantage - I will reference something that may have happened that day, use a student’s name or a team from the platform, and minister strongly within the trust that is given to me from the daily relationship.

It is here where we teach students the value of relationship to authority.

3. I want to connect with as many youth leaders as I can

This is where the longevity of our ministry as a speaker can be more successful. One of the best ways for the ministry at camp to be effective is to connect with both the full-time and the volunteer youth leader who will return back home with the students.

It is here where we create sustainable youth ministry through leadership development.

4. Preaching on salvation (Monday), freedom in the cross (Tuesday), the Holy Spirit (Wednesday), and apologetics (Thursday)

*when given the opportunity for four nights

I’m aware this is a personal thing, but, I believe every issue in a teenagers life and every aspect of Christianity can be covered from these four themes.

Don’t be fooled by thinking that young people cannot handle an emphasis on biblical worldview and theology. More often, I have had teenagers tell me that they can handle more and want to go deeper in their faith.

It is here we are teaching students how to build their own faith.

5. The altar response and decision time is the most important part of the week

The first thing I do when writing my messages is to plan my altar and response for each night and how I want to apply it to the students life - making sure that each altar time has three or four changes and life application.

It is here that we are teaching students how to take camp to campus.


So much goes into the responsibility of being a Camp Speaker: the trust, the relationship, the biblical preaching, and your own total wellness are all contributors to being a successful spiritual authority in a young persons life.

We will follow up after Camp season with more on Camp.

Jeff Grenell