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Your YTH Ministry and feedONE

One of the characteristic traits of the Millennial and the Gen Z sets is their passion for a cause. From civil rights, poverty, human trafficking, and water wells, there is no denying that young adults and teenagers today want to make a difference.

But there is one thing that rises to the top in the Gen Z cause.

“So what do the 60 million Gen Z kids care about? A lot of different things, but research shows some trends. According to research from Cone Communications, almost 30 percent of Gen Z are very concerned about the impact of poverty and hunger and prioritize it over the issue of economic development or other issues.”

This is compiled from The Renewal Project and Pew Research Forum also from June 2019 studies on causes and Gen Z.

Enter the Convoy of Hope feedONE campaign.

feedONE is the Assemblies of God campaign that supports Convoy of Hope’s children’s feeding program. Currently feeding more than 200,000 children in 14 different countries. The feedONE campaign believes a nutritious meal shares hope in the form of a meal — which then becomes an opening door for a child to be healthy and well-nourished. The campaign has a deep meaning that was derived from maybe the world’s foremost advocate for children.

Mother Teresa said, “If you can’t feed a hundred, then just feed one.” The campaign has taken her words to heart. And I believe that the causal trait of this generation will be unleashed through feedONE to help solve the planet’s great challenges as it relates to starvation and child welfare.

How Can YTH Ministries Help?

When your YTH ministry supports feedONE, it is helping open the door for a child to be healthy and well-nourished. And your support will make sure that child has a chance to rise out of the poverty they may be surrounded in globally. We have 1,131 centers globally that are feeding children. and your students could be a part of this great campaign.

Getting involved is easy!

With your partnership, your church can help us eradicate hunger and provide children with hope for a brighter future. It is so simple. You decide as a YTH ministry how many children you want to feed. The monthly cost is $10 per child. If you shared this with your students, I don’t think you would be shocked to see how many of them would be on board.

Looking to learn more? Get all of the resources you need right here.

Here are a few ways you could use our campaign:

1. Host A feedONE YTH Weekend

We provide you and your team with everything you need to host at your church. It is like having a short missions moment for all of your students to do something globally with just a few dollars. We believe that you would end up supporting multiple children because of this!

2. Experience The Results On A feedONE YTH Trip

Your church will receive updates from the field and be able to take a trip to meet children in the program. Your students could find themselves right alongside of the children they are supporting. Now that is a missions minded event!

3. Campus Party With All Of Your Friends

You might be thinking that you don’t have any money to give. Well, I’ll bet you and your friends do! So, throw a party and support as many children as you can by teaming up with your friends. You can do more together. And we have all of the materials at our website!

“I grew up with water all around me in Michigan. It’s so direct to me. People are willing to spend more money on something if it’s ethically sourced or has an environmental benefit.” — Paige Johnson, proud Gen Z’er from Michigan

Finally, Trust Us

We maximize your $10 donation by leveraging our network of vehicles, equipment, and expert staff and volunteers. Through local procurement, program implementation, and oversight, we ensure financial responsibility and program integrity. That is a fact.

Thank you for giving feedONE a chance to end poverty and starvation globally. If you have any questions please contact me or go directly to the link on our HELP page or right here.

Jeff Grenell