YTH Leadership In The Sexual Revolution
The Sexual Revolution is here. And it is not going away. From the changing legislation in government to the lack of censorship in media to progressive sex education in our schools and the redefinition of the family. There is a redefining wave of sexuality crashing over our society.
So, what is the response of YTH Leadership to this cultural shift? Last week we looked at two important elements of the response. Truth and Grace.
We must model a Christian worldview in a post-christian world. The best way to counter this wave is to live as Christian in society as we can.
Let me give you some practical approaches as a YTH Leader to this redefining of sexuality in America.
Scripture over culture
I want to move you from a non-BINARY view of sexuality to a BINARY view of sexuality. Let me explain these.
The non-binary view is prevalent today. It is a mathematic term that means more than two. A way of calculating another symbol or adding another number in an equation. As it relates to sexuality, it is a cultural viewpoint that adds a ‘third way’ or evolving or transitional viewpoint of Male or Female sexuality.
The non-binary view has replaced the binary view that was prevalent just a few years ago.
The binary view of sexuality is the mathematic term used for only two symbols in an equation. A way of calculating a factor with only two symbols. As it relates to sexuality, it is the scriptural viewpoint of Male and Female sexuality.
We cannot lose another generation to theological ignorance. If we are going to contribute to the reforming of sexuality to a scriptural set, theology must be at the center of our lives as YTH Leaders.
YTH Leaders must develop a personal theology set in scripture or we will never be able to speak to the cultural wave. It begins with two concepts.
The Genesis Intent (Genesis 1-3), or, the creation intent. This is the first and foundational rule to sexuality. It is a theology of firsts and types. Where God defines sexuality. There is no confusion on Male or Female in scripture. And there is no mention or need for a ‘third way’ or ‘transition’ or ‘neutral’ gender.
The Matthew Intent (Matthew 5, 15, 19), or, the messianic intent. This is Jesus on sexuality. And he quotes the OT words of Moses from Genesis. Isn’t that interesting? Jesus could have EVOLVED. He could have ADJUSTED to His day. But His definition of sexuality was taken from the creation or Genesis intent.
A Biblical Definition of Sexuality
To be clear, my conviction on The Sexual Revolution, including gender, marriage, and sexual immorality is simple. I have not based this conviction on my understanding of culture. I have based it on my understanding of scripture. I have shaped my belief over the years through the biblical account of creation in Genesis, Jesus’ words in Matthew, and Paul's words in Romans, 1 Corinthians 6-7, and Galatians 5. As well as other texts in 1 Timothy and Revelation.
My conviction:
Here is the first thing that I say when asked about the sexual revolution today:
1. Our personal sexuality belief will come from culture or from scripture. It is the ideological and theological framework. It will be changing if it comes from culture, but, it will be constant if it comes from scripture. That is why the arguments have changed in the cultural arena and yet have stayed the same in the scriptural arena.
2. I know that we look at and interpret scripture differently. But there are enough clear guidelines in scripture to agree on.
3. There are constants in human sexuality theology - Genesis 1-3 and Matthew 5, 15, and 19, and Romans 1 are theological foundations of human sexuality. These are the words of Moses, Jesus, and Paul.
4. In these texts, Moses, Jesus, and Paul did have something to say about human sexuality. Definitions or prohibitions related to gender, marriage, sexual immorality (adultery, fornication, prostitution, idolatry, abnormality, incest, beastiality, and homosexuality) even if they did not directly address the specific word of the topic in question.
5. What we do know conclusively from these texts, is that each kept marriage and sexual relations within marriage between a man and a woman. And God created two binary genders in the human species – male and female. Any deviation from that form or ethic was not the creation intent or Jesus’ support of it or Paul’s address of it and becomes a secondary un-natural order; a cultural or personal order and not a scriptural order. And because of any new unnatural order or ethic, mankind must do mid-course correction to bring our ideas, experience, and feelings back to scripture.
6. There are many other verses inspired by the Holy Spirit to authors (including Paul in 1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5, 1 Timothy 1 and John in Revelation 18, 21) who spoke on this subject. All of these author’s words have these original texts from Moses and Jesus as foundational unity on their address to the subject.
7. Our differences should not divide us. So we have a different interpretation of sexuality in the scriptures than some people may have. Maybe you believe, as I have stated in this book, that marriage is between a man and a woman, that sex before marriage, outside of your marriage, or with the same sex is sin, and that God created humanity male and female. But just because someone believes differently than we do, what right does that give us to treat them with partiality or judgement?
I contend that what we really need is a box. A code, or ceiling, or walls, and fence. Because otherwise, we land where we are today. With everyone analyzing and giving their own version of truth. Sure, we may read the same biblical text and see different things. But, there are some absolutes even in scripture. The important part of this parse to me is really simple. And that is making the determination of the argument by scripture and not culture. From an absolute box.
It really is hard to get down to a soundbite in such an information age. But maybe this will help you get to your conviction on this matter as you read the scriptures yourself.
But this is my soundbite when I am asked:
The Sexual Revolution going on in America today with regard to sexual identity issues, the sanctity of marriage, and sexual promiscuity, is part of the sexual dis-order that is contrary to the clearly stated biblical principles – principles found in the words of Moses in the book of Genesis, Jesus in Matthew, Paul in Romans and other texts, Jude in the book of Jude, and John in The Revelation defining the creation of humankind as male and female, the relationship of marriage between a man and a woman, and romantic and sexual relationships between a man and woman within the sanctity of marriage.
The foundational truth of human sexuality is that God said He created them Male and Female and told them to come together as a family and to perpetuate the human race. That’s it. No other choice. No third way. No options for same gender marriage or unions. Or sexual relations outside of this intent. Whatever ideas or trends would come through the ages in culture that are non-conforming to the Genesis Intent of human sexuality are not God’s order.
Culture over scripture
Listen, ALL have sinned.
If I willfully practice disobedience I cannot inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5.18-22). There is a tension with this statement. But, it is meant solely as an encouragement to understand the importance of repentance.
The responsibility of every YTH Leader is to speak clearly to their culture and society. That includes understanding the traits or the characteristics of a Gen set, and, knowing how to apply theology to that set.
Culture does not have the authority to redefine sexuality. That is why we clearly must define a theology of repentance to this culture!
Scripture defines sexuality. And the YTH Leader must have a base knowledge of the bible to address the issue in our world today. And after establishing a healthy biblical viewpoint personally, we must be able to communicate that in language and terms that everyone can understand corporately.
Just in the past year, TEEN VOGUE, TIME, ROLLING STONES, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC have all covered their magazines and websites with the shift in The Sexual Revolution. This is the world teenagers are growing up in. Looking at the world of teens today, you can imagine the kind of conversations that are taking place regularly between teens and leaders.
See these stats from in the Impact360 report of February 2018:
-76% of Christian teens believe gender is your birth sex
-48% of all GenZ believe gender is your birth sex
-77% of students feel physical, mental, or verbal abuse in high school
-1 in 3 girls is abused by a boyfriend
Why all of this? What does this prove? It proves that culture hasn’t worked. It never will. Scripture works.
Practically speaking, what does this look like for YTH Leaders?
I think it’s simple. Aside from the changing legislation, lack of censorship in media, progressive education in schools, and the redefinition of the family, there are also physiological developments in adolescents that must be understood as we address The Sexual Revolution.
Listening to students and hearing how they feel or think about something is elementary to respect. Instead of doing more talking, let students talk. They may come to the same conclusions we do if we let them process cultural issues with a theological viewpoint.
Relationship over judgment
Our response to the antithetical life or views in the world is critical to the world’s response to the Church. Are we surprised or shocked or cynical of people who think different than us? Or, are we unflinching at hearing of the lifestyle or views of someone who does not think like we do. Love values relationship as much as it does regulations.
I never want to win an argument and lose a relationship. The easiest way to prove our love for someone that may not hold the same views we do is to value relationship more than being right. This response must be a tandem response that begins with truth or theology - and having a scriptural understanding and view of sexuality. And the response must continue with grace or relationship - and having a cultural understanding and view of sexuality.
James 2 clearly defines the ‘sin of partiality’. Where we judge someone and place them in a position of less importance than anyone else because of their economic, racial, or gender status. Truth and Grace must never interfere with relationship to unbelievers or with believers who may think differently than us.
There is a point in the Church setting that requires correction in fellowship, but, the relationship that we have with unbelievers or those who disagree with us must be guarded by both truth and love.
We can agree to disagree. That is one of the most important responses as it relates to morality issues. Truth and Grace are important partners in our relationship with people. If you cannot love, then stay away from issues that divide until you can agree to disagree.
Practically speaking, what does this look like for YTH Leaders?
We have to explain that same sex attraction is not sin or disobedience to the biblical standard. But, too many students have felt the temptation of same sex attraction at an early age and have been told they were gay. That is simply not true. Sometimes unlearning something is more important than what we learned. And we must not only welcome students who may not have our same sexual views, but, we have to give them the same kind of access to be involved in the YTH Ministry as anyone else attending.
Modeling family in society
The importance of this cannot be overstated.
As YTH Leaders we must define sexuality in our own personal lives. And modeling biblical sexuality ourselves is the clearest way to bring another wave of a scriptural sexual revolution to our world. The family is the one unit that exists on every continent globally. It can be found in every village and metropolitan city. It is the place where cultures are made and societies are formed.
There are a lot of problems in society. The economy, racism, bullying, the opioid crisis, and The Sexual Revolution. But, we will not solve any of these problems in Washington or New York or LA. They will be solved in the family.
Because the answer to every problem in society can be found in a healthy home. Why? Because it is easier to BUILD children than to REPAIR men and women. (Frederick Douglass)
Practically speaking, what does this look like for YTH Leaders?
The YTH Leader must model healthy sexuality as an individual or in their family. Because of the fatherless, motherless, and siblingless situation in the family structure of America, it will be healthy families that bring the redefinition of sexuality back into society. The family is the center of education for all of these issues. And when we educate our CHILDREN we can educate our CULTURE.
We can counter The Sexual Revolution wave crashing over our society. It will take another wave of consistently modeled biblical Truth and Grace. In too many cases, if sexuality is even discussed in the YTH setting, it is done with a meology approach. With thoughts, ideas, and opinions from a YTH Leader that feels somewhat incapable of parsing the issue. When what is needed most is a theology approach.
There must be a renewed theological sexuality education in YTH Ministry. Because the reform we need in America will not come from the changing legislation in government or the lack of censorship in the media or the progressive sex education in our schools or the redefinition of family. It will come from YTH Leaders who are shaping the next generation in America with another Sexual Revolution of biblical proportions.