"God Didn't Screw Up When He Made You, He's A Father Who Loves To Parade You." Our. God. Reigns.

"God didn't screw up when He made you. He's a Father who loves to parade you."

Are you 'Parade Ready?' Are the teens I lead 'Parade Ready?'

As Youth Leaders in the Church, we are organizing a great parade. The impact that our generation could have on America is profound. If the church is in the hands of young people that I see across America, the church is going to be just fine. But, unfortunately, they are the only generation living who hasn't seen a legitimate revival or reformation. If they are going to leave their mark on this generation, we have a responsibility as Youth Leaders to prepare them in a certain way. Because they are Talented yet Humble, Connected yet Social, Intelligent yet Teachable, and Competitive yet Team-oriented, we have a lot to work with.

This video reminds me of the impact the church can have on our culture. It is a classic by Delirious called 'Our God Reigns'. Even in the midst of a world that has been flooded by crime, war, drug abuse, abortion, suicide, and the loss of the church's influence, there is an answer. You can hear it in the three simple words throughout this song. And we must prepare this generation to believe these three words. Because I believe the impact this generation is going to have on America is found in these. Our. God. Reigns.

In the next couple of blogs, I want to give several ways we can prepare this generation for the next great awakening on our nation. Here are the first 2:

1. Personal spiritual discipline - This generation must increase its depth and content and not merely try to pass on games and gimmicks. The Kingdom will work. One of the traits of the Millenials is genuineness. As Youth Leaders we can prep this generation by tying that genuineness and spiritual discipline together to create a youth culture of powerful impact on our nation. Create an orderly schedule and time-frame for students in their daily life. I have heard many leaders say that they have a "David Devotional Life" or a "Psalms Devotional Life". And I know they mean well. That they are spending the whole day in spiritual thought. But, that is no replacement for a set time to 'tithe' your day or week to God intentionally for fasting and intercession and praying in the Spirit. Our excuse should be that we have no time for YouTube or Wii or X-Box because we were praying and reading too much!

2. Mentoring early in teens - Similar to parenting, you cannot start forming kids when they are 15. The cradle to career mentality must also exist in the church. You have heard it said that it costs more to fix broken men than to train children. Two easy steps to mentoring. First, Identify leaders of tribes. The chiefs who have the ear and attention of the students in your church or organization. If you can reach these, you can reach the whole tribe. And second, recognize that mentoring is not necessarily discipleship or large group coaching. It is small group and mostly one-on-one relationship that results in coming alongside of someone and creating a trusted partnership. It is editing and not just accountability.

Our. God. Reigns. Enough said. He is sovereign and capable. And His presence is the missing ingredient in America. To convince young people to be bearers of His presence is one of the main roles we serve as leaders. Proverbs 11.10 says that, "When the righteous does well, the city rejoices...." May we see a significant awakening upon this generation of young people to enact on America our greatest revival we have ever seen.
Jeff Grenell