Youth Leader Traits For The Teen Decade

There is something unique about this decade we are in. From 2013 until 2019 we are going to be living in 'The Teen Years'It happens every century. As we enter 'The Teen Decade', we are going to be counting down the teen years. And, it probably is something that none of us will ever experience again.
Let me give you 4 traits of Youth Leaders who are going to shape this culture during these years. If you want to be a culture-shaper amongst youth in 'The Teen Decade', there are many traits you must possess. Here are 4:

Great youth leaders will develop a personal lifestyle of prayer and worship and see those around them transformed by the presence of God. You may be able to out-program me, out-plan me, and out-promote me. But, when I am done and lay it down, nobody will be able to say that they out-played me, out-praised me, and out-prayed me. Everybody is trying many things to build a Youth Ministry or to influence youth. But, not everybody is trying spirituality.

Great youth leaders find someone they are afraid of who will help keep them accountable in their life. Mentoring is the key to removing ceilings from your leadership. Unless you give a person freedom in your life to tell you the truth, you will never reach your potential. Do not do leadership life alone. Bring an editor with you. Someone who knows you, is more mature than you, has been where you want to go, and who is not afraid to speak straight to you.


Great youth leaders do not have to be perfect. They are not Superman. Be yourself. Teens can smell fake. The example we are trying to model young people is not perfection. It is progress. Spiritual growth will happen if we are faithful and not merely leaders who lead from emotion or hype.

Great youth leaders do not underestimate the significance of Natural Leadership. It is not simply spiritual leaders who make an impact upon youth. We must have skill-sets and competency in certain things also. Such as communication, relational, or administrative traits that will supplement our spiritual life. Arguably, the greatest miracle Jesus ever did was the feeding of the 5,000. In Mark, the miracle begins with Jesus seating the people " companies of 50...." Without the leadership gift of organization maybe we never see this happen.

I am believing for the greatest youth movement in America that the church has ever seen in 'The Teen Decade'. And if you are in any type of youth work these characteristic traits must be increasing in your life. In the coming years we will visit this theme of Youth Leadership often. And my guess is that a book is coming out of it. Just not sure who is going to write it. ;)

Jeff Grenell