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The 10 Most Important Words In YTH Ministry

Have you ever made a list of things that guide your life and work? Or, a word list to shorten things up.

Here is my list of the 10 most important words that guide my YTH ministry. Ten words to guide my work. Ten words to set my course. Ten words that shape my thinking.

The Power Of Words

Words are very important. Especially when used as a framework or an ethic. As a measurement, guideline, or a assessment of your purpose and ministry.

As far as YTH leaders, this kind of list will guide your philosophy. It will create a daily task focus. Having keywords can become a framework or an outline or a map for the ministry. Or any kind of organizational work.

In Proverbs 29.18, Solomon said that ‘without a vision the people perish.’ What that literally means is ‘without a map or course the people are unrestrained or run around without aim.’

Some of these words will be SPIRITUAL disciplines and the others will be NATURAL characteristics or traits, and some of them will be SOCIAL issues that must be addressed.

What does your list look like?

10 Most Important Words In YTH Ministry:

1. Prayer

How important are the spiritual disciplines in your life? Prayer, fasting, reading, giving, simplicity, etc. We have failed in YTH Ministry at this important concept of the spiritual disciplines. You will be grateful to know that our next resource for YTH leaders is a book on the spiritual formations of teenagers.

2. Theology

I think it’s pretty simple. Whatever we’ve been doing isn’t working. Because all of our efforts at small group, games, or events have created a 4% biblical worldview in generation Z. We must get back to theology in YTH ministry! That might be our preaching, teaching, small groups, mentoring, worship, or even counseling. But we cannot forget the central purpose of YTH ministry is theology.

3. Worship

We don’t have to get students to worship. We have to get students to worship God. They already worship self, others, and icons. Music is a central part of a teenager‘s life. So it must become an essential part of YTH ministry. I know that music and worship are not elementarily the same thing, but, they correlate to each other perfectly. We have talked on this blog about the practical steps of creating a worship culture in YTH ministry. So check out those posts for additional help.

4. Relationship

With the disintegration of the family, comes a great need for relationship. Students want a relationship with someone of authority in their life. I’ve always observed YTH leaders who are close to teenagers had a greater longevity in ministry. But, the other important piece of relationship is our responsibility to the world and the gospel. We must teach our students the elementary principles of apologetics and evangelism.

5. Family

One of the ways we model relationship is the family. Family is the structure of relationships. We are not just raising a fatherless generation anymore. We are raising a fatherless, motherless, and siblingless generation. This is the critical structure of relationship. The belonging everyone is looking for. Creating an atmosphere of acceptance in YTH ministry is basic to a healthy YTH ministry.

6. Sexuality

Aside from family, the most critical need in YTH ministry is understanding the complexity of sexuality. In the midst of the sexual revolution we must be able to understand the terms and language. Because this is part of the next critical word in YTH ministry. A YTH ministry that properly addresses the sexual revolution in America, wins.

7. Identity

When a student understands their identity, they can solve any problem in their life. We must help students understand that they are a prince or a princess by design. But they become kings and queens by discipline. Understanding who they are in Christ can deal with loneliness, isolation, bullying, depression, and other mental health issues.

8. Diversity

The statistics are out. Generation Z is the most diverse generation in American history. At 51% non-white they have something to say about race relations in America. I marched in 5 marches recently with hundreds and with thousands of young people. They will change the discussion on racism and create a powerful new wave of Gracism. Inclusion and healing will be their legacy ethic and not just a movement.

9. Peers

The most formative influence on a teenagers life are their friends. They will see the world and themselves through the lens of their peers. They will see God through the lens of their peers. It is their framework. That’s how important Theology is. Because peer theology is inaccurate, it will require YTH ministry creating a scriptural squad or circle of influence around teens that creates pure theology.

10. Laughter

Oh man, do we need joy today. It is contagious. Joy and laughter bring levity. Joy and laughter bring perspective. Joy and laughter bring health. I was not great at this because I was so driven in my YTH ministry. Don’t get me wrong. We liked to party. But I need to increase this in my YTH ministry today. America is a culture of play deprivation. And we must bring this laughter and play back.


Hopefully this helps. So what is your list? What is guiding your philosophy, framework, work ethic, and ministry?

As the wisest man whoever lived said, “Where there is no map or graph or direction, the people cast off restraint and run around without aim causing ultimately death.” Wow. Don’t be aimless. Don’t be without a map. Without a vision. A list of 10 important words will guide your life. What does your list look like?

Jeff Grenell