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Teenagers In A Society Of Body Shaming

Let’s look at a definition of this important topic of Body Shaming.

The Dictionary says that Body Shaming is, “The action or practice of mocking or stigmatizing someone by making critical comments about the shape, size, or appearance of their body.”

Yet, body shaming is not just telling someone they are fat, tall, short, or skinny. That they have curly hair or straight hair. It goes beyond mere words. And could be as real as our own thoughts or actions about ourselves.

One of the worst cultural pressures today is body shaming and average image standards. Average Image Standards is all about who says what normal is. It’s a hot debate that has been brought into the public square. And it affects teenagers and all of us in a major way.


Research Data from the YouGov Body Image Study 2021 finds nearly nine in 10 (89%) Americans agree that physical appearance at least somewhat matters in today’s society. But many also believe that ideals around physical appearance are influenced by media and by the fashion industry, and that these standards are unrealistic for the average person.

Another study showed a correlation between self-acceptance and self-esteem attitudes as a coefficient positive and consistent correlation in how someone is influenced by body shaming.

Body Shaming can be overt or it can be covert, but, it is devastating when it happens. Additionally, body shaming can be external by other people or even society, and, it can be internal or self-inflicted by how we view ourselves.

Body shaming can be caused by several things:

Things like bullying, trauma, neglect, social media overuse, extreme or constant comparison, a medical condition or medication that causes someone to experience weight fluctuation, or even abuse. What is to be understood is that once we recognize it, we must deal with it.

Let me give you two approaches for this hot topic today:

1. Spiritual Identity

It is not popular to bring up Body Shaming and spiritual identity, but, I believe strongly that our spiritual identity is tied directly to how we think about ourselves. And that could affect our internal self-image and body shaming.

I have watched teenagers of all different shapes and sizes and types deal well with body shaming when they have a healthy biblical worldview of themselves and their identity before God. There is a healthy correlation between self and Christ identity or actualization. When someone is self or Christ actualized it really does affect their view of self in the face of what others or society say about them.

I love what 1 Peter 2.9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” It is clearly evident how God created us and how He feels about us. And someone with a healthy relationship with God will understand this.

Any type of body shaming can not only lead to emotional and mental problems but physical issues as well. And because a negative self-image can lead to negative self-thinking, which can lead to negative actions against self, we must be aware of several practical ways to deal with body shaming.

Here’s a final approach to body shaming.

2. Personal Identity

We are going to have to learn how to deal with body shaming from both a spiritual and a personal or practical approach. Here are some strategies to help you with overcoming body shaming:

  • Get involved with new social experiences

  • Recreational activities such as taking the stairway/steps, walking outside, biking, or going bowling

  • Begin a hobby that interests you

  • Get involved in volunteer work or causes

  • Make new friends and create new circles of interest with friends who are positive and respecting of you

  • Break friendships with people who treat you without honor or respect

Let me give you one more approach that will help you with body shaming.

You are a professional at something. I understand how important that concept is. There is something very unique about you that nobody else has. It is your designed stamp of approval from God.


In the end, the solution to body shaming is multifaceted. I do believe it begins with our spiritual health and how we view ourselves. But there are also personal practical approaches to help you deal with body shaming.

Let me leave you with these powerful affirming words of David in the Psalms. He is describing our relationship as creation to God as creator. And he uses this beautiful language.

Psalm 139.14 says, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

That is an overwhelming statement. And this statement must become a spiritual force against the negative thoughts of self, the negative words of others, and the wave of societal pressure that tries to create a default image of body approval.

Use these approaches and get the design of these scriptures into your being and you will be able to conquer the body shaming so prevalent in our world today.

Jeff Grenell