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So many resources at ythology. Every topic you can imagine and more than 14 years of blogging!

YTH Ministry & Marriage (1/2)

In the blog this week, we are dealing with the topic, Marriage and Ministry.

We have often dealt with similar topics of family spiritual health and having family devotions in the home. But we haven’t dealt with Marriage and the Ministry.

Healthy marriages build healthy Leaders who build healthy youth ministry.

As youth leaders we are always setting the culture of our youth ministries, but, we also must make it our first priority to set the culture of our homes. By the words we speak.

So we are giving you practical principles to build healthy marriages.

One of the strengths I admire in my wife Jessica is her positive and biblical affirmations daily over her children. It really is remarkable to see this take place as I’ve watched her speak these declarations over her three boys.

Then, when we were married, Jessica wrote up declarations over our marriage. Beginning with a declaration over me, and then, a declaration over herself.

The words we speak can become a seed in the mind or the heart of our spouse. That’s why it is important to value the words we say to each other.

I’m sure we are all familiar with the words in Proverbs 18.21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”

And in Ephesians‬ ‭4:32‬, “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

Jessica has a shirt that says, ‘Be Kind’! I think that should be the theme or motto of all of our homes. I mean even our daily lives and interaction with EVERYONE and not just our SPOUSE!

We want to give you some practical words or declarations that you can speak over your marriage.


I think we all agree with this idea of the power of our words. They really do affect our personal lives, marriages, and homes.

I’ve learned that daily routines and declarations are really important. They set the attitude and culture in your life and home.

Declarations for My Husband

  • My husband seeks You above all and You give him everything he needs.

  • My husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church.

  • My husband hears your voice above all others and walks in it. My husband walks with You, not ahead or behind.

  • My husband is compassionate, giving, and kind and attentive to the needs around him.

  • My husband is a finisher, he does his tasks fully and completely and with excellence.

  • My husband is the spiritual leader of our home and is led by the Holy Spirit in all he says and does.

  • My husband has favor with God and man.

  • My husband works hard as unto to the Lord and you bless the work of his hands causing everything he does to prosper.

  • My husband has more than enough to provide for his family and to give to those in need.

  • My husband has more than enough time talent and resources to accomplish all you have for him to accomplish today.

  • My husband is quick to repent when he makes bad choices and he chases after what is pure.

  • My husband guards his heart and his mind above all else.

  • My husband resists the devil and he flees from him.

  • My husband cannot sin and like it. When he looks at something that doesn’t bring You honor, his eyes burn. When he says something that doesn’t bring You honor, his mouth tastes bad. When he hears something that doesn’t bring You honor, his ears ring. When he allows into his mind something that doesn’t bring You honor, his mind his foggy. When he allows something into his heart that doesn’t bring You honor, his heart is heavy.

  • My husband has a shield of protection around him every step he takes, every move he makes, every activity he’s involved in, and every vehicle, building, city, state, field, and court.

  • My husband lives a fun adventurous life and he is wise.

  • My husband speaks life and not death, blessings and not curses, truth and not lies.

  • My husband is a faithful husband and a present father.

  • My husband continuously seeks to look more like Jesus.

  • My husband has a strong and healthy immune system that works as a shield against all the fiery darts of the enemy and the evil scheme of man. He is the head and not the tail. He is above and never beneath. He is physically and emotionally whole.

  • My husband is fully equipped to overcome every temptation and to fight every battle and be victorious.

This is a good template or draft to start with. Use this to create declarations in your own language and desires you have for each other.

Declarations for the wife

  • I love Jesus with all of my heart

  • I am a faithful bride and I am a loving mother and my children call me blessed

  • I take care of my physical, mental, and spiritual health

  • I serve others with love and kindness

  • I am a wise steward of the gifts God has given me

  • I am industrious and work with willing hands. I am a good manager of my home.

  • I spend my time on that which is good

  • I am creative and embrace beauty and godliness and I am led by the Holy Spirit in everything I say and do

  • I make choices based on the truth of God’s word and not on my feelings

  • I am responsible for my own thoughts feelings attitudes and actions. I am not responsible for or hindered by the thoughts feelings attitudes and actions of others.

  • I speak life and not death, blessings not curses truth and not lies

  • My steps are ordered of the Lord and He directs my path and I hear His voice above all others and walk in it

  • I take every thought captive to the truth of God’s Word

  • The Joy of the Lord is my strength. Worship is my weapon. The peace of God rules and reigns in my heart and in my mind.

  • I am fully equipped to overcome every temptation and to fight every battle and be victorious

    Again, there are many other decorations that you could have over your spouse. Use your own language and your own desires for each other to create your own set of declarations.


Healthy marriages build healthy Leaders who build healthy youth ministry.

As youth leaders we are always setting the culture of our youth ministries, but, we also must make it our first priority to set the culture of our homes. By he words we speak.

Jeff Grenell