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Tough Questions Teens Ask (2 of 3)

Learning from teenagers is really easy. It just takes time and the willilngness to listen. And I believe that the more time you spend with teenagers, the more time you spend in youth ministry.

This week we are doing the second set of questions from teenagers coming out of a YTH weekend in Indiana. I love that setting. You can learn so much about the YTH culture when you listen to teenagers - by the kind of questions they ask and the topics that are important to them. I’ve always felt that the closer you are to teenagers the longer you stay in YTH ministry.

Being in the Q & A setting is like a university of education!

So here are 4 more questions:

1. Is there a bible verse that talks more about the journey of our Christian life rather than the reward?

I love this deep question. Wow. I don’t think it is one or the other - I think the Bible talks about both. Faithfulness and suddenlies. Hebrews 11 is the chapter about all of the people who went before us. The faithful. And how they cared more about the reward of heaven and eternity and not so much about this earth.

Multiple times the FAITH is mentioned in the life of these great men and women of God. And yet, we all know there were suddenlies where God interrupted their lives and did something great - a miracle or work or an act. I think God wants faith and suddenlies in our life.

2. How do I heal from my past sexual sins?

Let me say something. If you have failed sexually and missed the mark in scripture of abstinence before marriage between a man and a woman, you cannot have your physical virginity restored. You can’t take that act of sex back. I know that is rough for some to hear.

But hear me clearly!

Your purity is way more important than your virginity. And your purity can be restored by a redeeming relationship with God in Christ Jesus.

First, ask for forgiveness. Out loud.

Second, write out your sins on paper or a white board. And erase them. There’s something about that symbolism.

Third, forgive yourself in the mirror. Out loud. Look yourself in the eye!

Fourth, meet with an older mature believer who can walk you through the healing process they may have gone through.

3. I want to share my faith. But I don’t know how. What are ways I can learn to share my faith?

Love this. This is called apologetics. Or sharing our faith and defending Christianity

I truly believe that you will share your faith to the degree that you have been saved - like for real you have seen a before and after or a darkness and light in your life. So many people cannot even remember the day they were born again. I think that is unfortunate.

Obstacles Really there are multiple obstacles to sharing your faith.

-The desire to share our faith is the most important and often the beginning

-The knowledge of how to share our faith…creativity, service, acts of kindness, clothing, Christian music, praying for your friends, and telling your friends you are praying for them.

-Fear of others rather than a fear of God and eternity

-A lack of power or boldness…and yet God has given us all the power we need to share our faith in a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Learn to tell YOUR story and THE story! YOUR story in 300 words or 1 page. Before and after, dark to light, memorize it, and be ready to share it. That will give you confidence that you have something to say.

THE story is the gospel in 300 words. ADMIT we have sinned, BELIEVE in our heart that Christ is Lord and savior from that sin, and CONFESS before people that He is Lord.

Go to our socials and find us on the linktree. Where you can Read, Watch, and Listen. Next week is the final cast on the Tough Questions Teens Ask!

Jeff Grenell