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“I Don’t See Color!”


“I Don’t See Color!”

Have you ever heard someone say that? It can be easy to have pure intentions with the statement. But let’s look at it quickly and a little more thorough.

Here are some questions to think about:

What if you were ‘color blind’ and missing the hues of the color wheel? Would you be okay with that? Do you see color in nature? In traffic signs? Why would seeing color in humanity be different?

What we do when racial tension is not in the forefront of our minds or is absent on social media or the national news for a period of time is very important. Let’s be clear. For people of color or the minority in a setting, racism is never in the background. It is a daily reality.

Seeing The Hues

Are you educating yourself by reading, or following people unlike you on social media, or meeting with and listening to a diversity of people? How are you becoming a better human right now? Don’t forget the value of the color wheel and the different hues on the palette. It is what makes the world come alive.

We will never be able to overcome racism without the supernatural love of Christ. It is simply the difference in the discussion. Why? Because in Christ we recognize the unique creation and equality of every person.

So, I see color. And it’s beautiful.

#gracism #racism #equality

Jeff Grenell