Camp SZN - A Summer Of Spiritual Awakening
Michigan YTH Camp
Summer 2018 is here.
Summer is legendary / But, Summer has its struggles and its rivals and its foes / Cuz you could waste your time and talents / Like skipping the right life and getting off balance / Off the grid and flippin’ your lid cuz you’re “free” / And you can do what you want / Not what you should / And by the end of the Summer you could be a slacker or a winner / You could reach the end or reach your potential / It all depends on whether / you do what you shouldn’t or what’s better / It’s all up to you this Summer
This is part of one of My Spoken Words for this Summer. Because Summer is Camp SZN! And millions of Teenagers in America are going to be at Camp. What a great opportunity. An opportunity to shape the next generation. Think about it. This is the only generation living in our nation who haven't seen a Spiritual Awakening. And we could see it happen at Camp.
This generation has heard about Awakenings. They have even seen videos or read articles about Awakenings. But they haven’t seen one. And the Church today has a responsibility to raise its young people IN an Awakening. And to raise a generation to lead one.
Camp SZN
My prayer for Summer Camps 2018 has come out of Psalm 77-78. These are 2 chapters defining the past and the future. The blessings of one generation and the curse of another. The glory of one generation and the backsliding of another. And I am believing for a transfer and a deposit of a revival generation to a slumbering generation. A Summer for a shift. The Summer of a movement. Our Summer of Awakening.
Here’s a quick breakdown of those chapters. What I call the ‘Generations Chapters’.
Asaph spends a lot of time in the chapters asking questions about the past. Will the Lord cease or fail or stop or forget about His mercy in the words and His works and His wonders upon this next generation? Is the next generation going to continue to walk away from God? Or, will they come back to Him? And Asaph challenges this generation to the words and works and wonders of the past.
And at the end of chapter 78 Asaph says that God chose David to lead his generation back to an Awakening. I believe God is choosing many young leaders to do the same for their generation today in America!
Indiana YTH Camp
Here are 4 principles about Camp SZN that can prepare us for an Awakening:
1. Mondays – Mondays are unlike the rest of Camp. It is the first impression and the foundation laid that sets into motion the rest of the week. I’ve learned that relationship on Monday can give us access the rest of the week. Time well spent the first few hours, and, focus in the activities and the service on Monday prepares the way for a successful week.
2. Un-plugged – The focus that can come out of being un-plugged from phones, social media, and other relationships, is the perfect seedbed for something new. I believe that being un-plugged actually creates a reality. Not a FAUX or fake setting like the one on social media. Not a distraction like jobs or school or teams. Or the pull of bad relationships. But a real setting of relationships and a chance to connect with God - and not screens and drama.
3. Anticipation – With anticipation comes reward. Expectation is a powerful thing. Whether you are expecting something bad to happen and you are crippled by it, or, you are expecting something good to happen and you are excited by it. Anticipation is hope. And hope is the door to something new. Hunger is contagious. And being in this setting creates a ‘Tipping Point’ that moves us from where we are to a new place. Rather quickly.
4. Suddenlies – Don’t be confused with the importance of suddenly and faithfulness. We need both. Yes, God will reward the steadfast faithfulness of our lives over time. But there is also a moment when everything is changed suddenly. All throughout the bible we see instances that changed the course of a person’s life. Never underestimate a suddenly with God. Like Joseph, Samson, Esther, Elijah, the Disciples, Peter, and Paul, a moment can change everything!
Teen SZN
We are almost done with the The Teen Decade – 7 years that only happen once in a century. The ’teen years’ between 2013-2019. It has been our goal the last few years to help the young people of America lead their generation to The Next Great Awakening. Through our blogging, social media, speaking, travel, and prayer we have kept this theme as public as we can.
This Summer SZN is another chance to position our generation toward leading a significant spiritual movement in America. I will be speaking at a total of 3 events, 9 Camps, and 10 Churches across America this Summer. Whew! That makes me tired just thinking about it.
We will be speaking to thousands of leaders and students across America. What an opportunity to impact the Church and our culture, the YTH Leaders, and the teenagers in America. The goal of the ministry this next SZN is to promote a Spiritual Awakening all over the country. So, because of the schedule and the lack of consistent internet and cell coverage, I will be setting the blog aside until September.
But, you can follow along on all of our social media platforms and see reports and stories on the meetings, services, relationships, Coaching, and plenty of photos and stories from each Camp and event.
Will you pray for us? Pray for strength and wisdom and favor and safety. These have been my prayer for weeks.
You can follow along on Social Media platforms and with these hashtags also: