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4 Healthy Responses To Chaos

It’s 2020 and it flexed its muscles for 12 months.

Governmental strife. Racial tension. Pandemic. Opioid crisis. Natural disasters. The Sexual Revolution. Ministerial failure.

Chaos. Hardship. Difficulty. Suffering.

There has always been chaos in our world. What has fluctuated is the response of people - some are disillusioned by the hardship, some are paralyzed by the difficulty, and others are empowered by the suffering.

When 9/11 hit, there was only 1 civilian aircraft allowed in the air that day. With civilian air grounded, the White House summoned a private jet that would carry Billy Graham to Washington (Karl Rove, FOXNEWS.COM).

That was a long time ago. But look at the response of The White House in chaos. Calling a minister of the gospel to counsel our nation was one of the first responses.

What is our response in chaos?

Here are 4 healthy responses during chaos:

  1. Faith - there is no greater response we can have than leaning on our faith in times of crisis. Faith is holistic. It affects our physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health. Principles are eternal and help us through every situation by guiding our life with nonnegotiables.

  2. Family - the tightest circle becomes the most impressionable influence upon our lives. In any situation. There is a great safety in family. There is deep meaning and purpose in family. The family is the place of acceptance like no other sector of society. Every society rises and falls on healthy family.

  3. Friends - the extended circle of people that we allow into our lives is also very important. Friends become the constant influence upon our lives on a daily basis. Show me your friends and I will show you your fears. We will become more like our friends in more ways we can imagine. That constant circle becomes a university in our life.

  4. Future - longevity is critical to overcoming. We can win in any situation if we do not quit. A futurist view of anything assures the prophetic nature of Christ and the Spirit. When we show up for the long haul we outlast chaos.


It can be easy to become disillusioned when we do not handle chaos with purpose. Our response to crisis will either fuel healthy or unhealthy patterns in our lives.

Jeff Grenell