Summer 2017 | The Next Great Awakening
Summer 2017 is here. And Teenagers in America are the only generation living in our nation who haven't seen a Spiritual Awakening. This summer I am continuing The Teen Decade series as we are 3/4 of the way through the 7 years of 2013-2019. The Teen Decade. It only happens once in a century. And our goal is to raise this generation of young people to lead The Next Great Awakening.
This Summer I will be speaking at 9 Camps across America. As well as most of the Sundays between the Camps. Whew! That makes me tired just thinking about it. And so, the blog all Summer will be highlighting each week of Camp. I will bring reports on the services, relationships, leadership, games, and plenty of pics from each Camp. We will be speaking to thousands of leaders and students set in our culture to redeem it back to Christ. What an opportunity to impact the Church in America, the Youth Leaders in America, and the teenagers in America.
The goal we have had here at ythology is to raise up 1,000 teens in this decade to bring an Awakening to our nation. We believe they will do that if they will "do the five":
WEEKLY PRAYER & FASTING on Fridays for our schools
MONTHLY WITNESSING to someone who needs to hear your story
ANNUAL MENTOR in your life to take you to the next level
LIFETIME OF PURITY in a world that is looking for a model of how to do relationships
These disciplines will create change in your life. They are your 'circles' or the 'sectors' of your life that require your spiritual attention. The areas of life that you must win to be a revivalist or a renewalist. Each of us know that we cannot change the globe until we change our circle! Our own life. We have to have a personal revival before we are going to see a national revival. There will be so many stories coming out of these camps. I love getting the electronic mail from teens sharing about how their lives have been transformed at Camp. And I cannot wait to share these with you.
Please be in prayer for salvation and restoration and healing for leaders and students. For the Church Kids and the un-Churched kids who are dealing with dysfunctional families, identity crises, cutting and self-harm, drugs and alcohol, sexual sin, materialism, violence, or even from bad peer relationships. I could not do what I do without the hundreds of people who are praying for us this Summer. You can also check out the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter platforms for all of the updates and reports. We will be posting them all summer. It will take you inside the Camps and give you a glimpse of what God is doing as we play and pray all Summer.
You can follow along on Social Media with the following hashtags also:
In my experience, there is no greater setting than Camp for a personal spiritual awakening. Many have downplayed the Camp experience as 'emotional' or 'hype'. That is simply a judgment from people who are completely unaware of our emphasis for Camps. Please follow along with our Summer schedule at and pray for a spiritual awakening in America.