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What We Learned From The MTV Video Music Awards

God is not worried.

The MTV Video Music Awards (VMA's) on Sunday evening did not silence Him and cause Him to throw His hands up in the air in frustration. This is God's world and He has seen this before. Remember the nation of Israel and it's frequent route to idolatry and paganism and Sexual dysfunction?

God has a plan. He always has had one. And things haven't changed. We are God's plan. The church should never shy away from the cultural conversations of our day. And we should undertake them in love and restoration. And, of course, biblically centered. The only argument we have is truth. Not present day context or culture. Just because something is prevalent doesn't mean it is correct.

Edmund Burke said it best. "The only thing needed for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing."

The VMAs (Video Music Awards)

These awards are the barometer of our teen culture and who the producers are in American teen life. You may not like that, but, it is true. As it's biggest show of the year, MTV parades its pop stars and messages to millions of teens as a forerunner to the beginning of school and the social conversations that will spread the media giants message through the teen world overnight.

Listen, I love a good party. The energy was like many great church services I have been in. The creativity was at its height. Is there a better set design on TV? Costuming (because we all know they don't wear that off the stage) for the most part was fun to watch. And there was actually some talent. Seriously, for as many that were in the room. There was some talent.

But, taking a step back from the initial anger and shock, what was actually being promoted? Here are 2 of my responses:

1. The disintegration of biblical values. (2 Corinthians 5.17) Not many references to The Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount. An award-winning artist stated that he learned hatred in the church and dissed the church for its conservative standards. Not sure what church he went to. And the standards the church adheres to from the bible are desperately needed in our generation or there will be no moorings left to keep our culture from eventual destruction.

From the hosts language to the artists lyric, cursing, disrespect of authority, the image portrayed of women, and an obvious sexual dysfunction that rivals that of any time in world history. The excesses of one generation become the habits and attitudes of the next. If our generation is going to ride the wave of the music of our present culture, there will be a big crash at the end. I have learned in 30 years of youth ministry that if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

Our teenage culture is missing the fences and ceilings that should accompany every society. The boast of "not gonna stop" and "we couldn't change if we want to" has become the theme of the summer and flies in the face of the spiritual transformation that is needed so badly today.

I found it interesting that right after one artist sang this popular mantra, a TV commercial boasted the 'TRANSFORMATION' theme of its product by showing a new kind of hamster. A hamster can change but a human cannot? Nice MTV.

2. The disintegration of sexuality. (1 Corinthians 6.12-20) While the shocked and disappointed response of the Will Smith family to one of the performances was telling, the Smith family response may have been the highlight of the night for decency. If you are looking for a bash against homosexuality here, you may be disappointed. While I do not support gay marriage or the gay lifestyle, it was actually good to hear support for the homosexual community.

In my estimation there is way too much hatred and judgment in America on gays. However, my same sentiment is shared for the racial injustices and the religious intolerance in America today. Can you imagine the outcry of everyone if a conservative Christian male artist would have trumpeted abstinence and faithfulness and respect for his wife? He would have been ripped apart. No worries, that artist isn't receiving awards from MTV.

I am asked often about my views on The Sexual Revolution we are in right now in America. I’m sure it is because I have been in youth ministry for 4 decades working with teenagers, but it may be because my brother is gay also. Not sure which is the greatest reason for all of the questions. Or that it matters.

A Biblical Definition of Sexuality

To be clear, my conviction on The Sexual Revolution, including gender, marriage, and sexual immorality is simple. I have not based this conviction on my understanding of culture. I have based it on my understanding of scripture. I have shaped my belief over the years through the biblical account of creation in Genesis, Jesus’ words in Matthew, and Paul's words in Romans, 1 Corinthians 6-7, and Galatians 5. As well as other texts in 1 Timothy and Revelation.

The Genesis Intent (Genesis 1-3), or, the creation intent. This is the first and foundational rule to sexuality. It is a theology of firsts and types. Where God defines sexuality. There is no confusion on Male or Female in scripture. And there is no mention or need for a ‘third way’ or ‘transition’ or ‘neutral’ gender.

The Matthew Intent (Matthew 5, 15, 19), or, the messianic intent. This is Jesus on sexuality. And he quotes the OT words of Moses from Genesis. Isn’t that interesting? Jesus could have EVOLVED. He could have ADJUSTED to His day. But His definition of sexuality was taken from the creation or Genesis intent.

My conviction:

Here is the first thing that I say when asked about the sexual revolution today:

1. Our personal sexuality belief will come from culture or from scripture. It is the ideological and theological framework. It will be changing if it comes from culture, but, it will be constant if it comes from scripture. That is why the arguments have changed in the cultural arena and yet have stayed the same in the scriptural arena.

2. I know that we look at and interpret scripture differently. But there are enough clear guidelines in scripture to agree on.

3. There are constants in human sexuality theology - Genesis 1-3 and Matthew 5, 15, and 19, and Romans 1 are theological foundations of human sexuality. These are the words of Moses, Jesus, and Paul.

4. In these texts, Moses, Jesus, and Paul did have something to say about human sexuality. Definitions or prohibitions related to gender, marriage, sexual immorality (adultery, fornication, prostitution, idolatry, abnormality, incest, beastiality, and homosexuality) even if they did not directly address the specific word of the topic in question.

5. What we do know conclusively from these texts, is that each kept marriage and sexual relations within marriage between a man and a woman. And God created two binary genders in the human species – male and female. Any deviation from that form or ethic was not the creation intent or Jesus’ support of it or Paul’s address of it and becomes a secondary un-natural order; a cultural or personal order and not a scriptural order. And because of any new unnatural order or ethic, mankind must do mid-course correction to bring our ideas, experience, and feelings back to scripture.

6. There are many other verses inspired by the Holy Spirit to authors (including Paul in 1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5, 1 Timothy 1 and John in Revelation 18, 21) who spoke on this subject. All of these author’s words have these original texts from Moses and Jesus as foundational unity on their address to the subject.

7. Our differences should not divide us. So we have a different interpretation of sexuality in the scriptures than some people may have. Maybe you believe, as I have stated in this book, that marriage is between a man and a woman, that sex before marriage, outside of your marriage, or with the same sex is sin, and that God created humanity male and female. But just because someone believes differently than we do, what right does that give us to treat them with partiality or judgement?

I contend that what we really need is a box. A code, or ceiling, or walls, and fence. Because otherwise, we land where we are today. With everyone analyzing and giving their own version of truth. Sure, we may read the same biblical text and see different things. But, there are some absolutes even in scripture. The important part of this parse to me is really simple. And that is making the determination of the argument by scripture and not culture. From an absolute box.


It really is hard to get down to a soundbite in such an information age. But maybe this will help you get to your conviction on this matter as you read the scriptures yourself.

But this is my soundbite when I am asked:

The Sexual Revolution going on in America today with regard to sexual identity issues, the sanctity of marriage, and sexual promiscuity, is part of the sexual dis-order that is contrary to the clearly stated biblical principles – principles found in the words of Moses in the book of Genesis, Jesus in Matthew, Paul in Romans and other texts, Jude in the book of Jude, and John in The Revelation defining the creation of humankind as male and female, the relationship of marriage between a man and a woman, and romantic and sexual relationships between a man and woman within the sanctity of marriage.

Maybe We Need A Box

I contend that what we really need is a box. A code, or ceiling, or walls, and fence. Because otherwise, we land where we are today. With everyone analyzing and giving their own version of truth. Sure, we may read the same biblical text and see different things. But, there are some absolutes even in scripture. The important part of this parse to me is really simple. And that is making the determination of the argument by scripture and not culture. From an absolute box.

These feelings of hatred and judgment in America will never go away. We live with this. The question will be, how long will it take until we destroy ourselves with another fence run or ceiling drop? Is the therapy of group sex or beastiality the next cultural wave that we support and promote? I know you are thinking, "whoa, Grenell, that is way over the edge." Really? We'll see.

My main reaction to the sexual dysfunction in the VMA's was how little self-control there was. It doesn't need to be stated that the kind of influence these artists have on pushing the envelope and lowering the ceiling of morality and behavior in our day is unequalled. On too many occasions the message was "do what we do and be cool" rather than "do what we do and get pregnant or pay the consequences."

From most of the reviews that I have heard and read (outside of the usual support from media industry networks) nobody was impressed by the sexual content of the show.


Back to Burke. "The only thing needed for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing." If you are reading this you are probably a Christian. Do something about the kind of things that upset you. But, do it in love. God has not called us to hide behind our message and point fingers at people who may be different from us.

Please don't judge the person who may have different views than you. Respect them. And correct them when you can. Because if someone does not correct the excesses of one generation, the next generation may fail to survive.

Remember, all things may be lawful for me, but, not all things are good for me.

Jeff Grenell