The Coming Teen Decade (2013-2019)
We are just a few weeks away from "The Teen Decade" (2013-2019). Over the past two years, I have been asking for seven years of emphasis upon the youth culture. Will you be a part of it?
Here is what we are asking for:
First, “cultural meaningfulness.” The process of communicating the Gospel in such a way as to make it meaningful to the people of any given cultural context. Contextualization has been defined so as to include socio-political involvement, incarnational lifestyle, application as over against exposition of the biblical text, and so on.
Second, "political meaningfulness." Relevance in the arena of government. Our language must change and our approach to the key issues must be an educated and an anointed approach. Especially as it relates to the youth culture and policy.
Third, "social meaningfulness." Social and cultural issues should become elementary to the church. Whether that is music and entertainment or education, the church must become relevant to a world that believes that Christianity is outdated.
Fourth, "educational meaningfulness." If the church and youth ministry specifically doesn't get back into the schools, we will lose another generation. There are so many ways to do that. Training campus missionaries, attending school board meetings, coaching and mentoring youth in sports, and supporting extra-curricular activities and events just to name a few.
Fifth, "incarnational meaningfulness." What is the power of a personal affect upon our youth culture? It can only be determined with intentional plans that ask what are the most important questions youth are asking today. What good does it do if we have all of the answers for the questions nobody is asking? Our relevance is dependent upon our ability to walk in the shoes of a generation and not simply be able to define it.
Here is what we are asking for:
First, “cultural meaningfulness.” The process of communicating the Gospel in such a way as to make it meaningful to the people of any given cultural context. Contextualization has been defined so as to include socio-political involvement, incarnational lifestyle, application as over against exposition of the biblical text, and so on.
Second, "political meaningfulness." Relevance in the arena of government. Our language must change and our approach to the key issues must be an educated and an anointed approach. Especially as it relates to the youth culture and policy.
Third, "social meaningfulness." Social and cultural issues should become elementary to the church. Whether that is music and entertainment or education, the church must become relevant to a world that believes that Christianity is outdated.
Fourth, "educational meaningfulness." If the church and youth ministry specifically doesn't get back into the schools, we will lose another generation. There are so many ways to do that. Training campus missionaries, attending school board meetings, coaching and mentoring youth in sports, and supporting extra-curricular activities and events just to name a few.
Fifth, "incarnational meaningfulness." What is the power of a personal affect upon our youth culture? It can only be determined with intentional plans that ask what are the most important questions youth are asking today. What good does it do if we have all of the answers for the questions nobody is asking? Our relevance is dependent upon our ability to walk in the shoes of a generation and not simply be able to define it.
To shape the youth culture in its setting is going to take intention and planning. It will take youth leaders who are willing to master each of these sectors and becoming professional at it. In The Coming Teen Decade, will you ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding of the times, and to know what to do about it?