The Coming Teen Decade (2013-2019)
Over the last year, one of the things I have been calling youth leaders to is The Coming Teen Decade. It is the one time in a century that we have the teen years for 7 years (2013-2019). A great time to emphasize an awakening in the young teenagers of our country. America needs a spiritual renewal. We are asking for A Thousand Personal Revivals that will spark the next Great Awakening. America is in desperate need for a spiritual renewal. Why?
In his letter, “My Heart Aches for America,” the 93-year-old Graham wrote that he recalled how his late wife, Ruth, once expressed concerns about the nation’s “terrible downward spiral”—exclaiming, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Graham, who has preached to more people than any other Protestant in history—2.2 billion—wrote that he wondered what Ruth would think of the country today where “self-centered indulgence, pride and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle.”
Here's what we are calling youth leaders and young people to over the next 7 years:
1. Daily Repentance of Sin
2. Weekly Fasting and Prayer on Fridays at Noon
3. Monthly Witnessing to a Friend
4. Annual Mentor in Your Life
5. A Lifetime of Sexual Purity
There is so much to each of these. Spread the word and follow this blog as I take the time to break these down as we finish 2012.