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God forgotten. But not gone.

Jorie walked into the house last night emotional and in tears. When that happens, a flood of thoughts and emotions run through a fathers mind. As she walked in and sat down next to me she simply said, "This has never happened to me before." When she said that, I was immediately thinking that she got in an accident. Then I realized she had already been in two. Another thought passed through my mind as soon as I dismissed the first one. Did somebody try and run her off the road and attack her. 

There is a book on our counter that has caught my attention lately. Francis Chan writes about the missing relationship in our generation with God the Holy Spirit. That there is a neglect in our lives of the critical role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Over the past 24 hours since Jorie walked into the house and sat down next to me, I have been thinking about the Holy Spirit and how we have shelved His power and presence in our lives.

Let me tell you the rest of the story...

Jorie was returning home from seeing a friend and driving on the highway late last night. All of the sudden she heard the Holy Spirit say to pull over immediately. She was stunned and immediately heard the voice again to pull over right now. Somewhat freightened, she pulled over and began to cry and pray in the Spirit. Then, as quickly as she heard the Spirit asking her to pull over, she felt a peace and began to drive again. As she got back on the road, it was just a few miles down the road and Jorie realized why God had spoken to her. 

She drove up on a semi-trailer across the road. And a crushed car pinned underneath it. She trembled as she drove past the accident thinking of the Voice that had just told her to pull over. There were no emergency vehicles at the scene yet, but there were several others who had stopped to help. Why did God speak to her? Could she have been the car under the semi-trailer had she continued down the road? What would have happened if Jorie didn't listen and obey? Needless to say, she was very thankful and emotional as she drove home the rest of the way praising God for His presence and love. 

We are not sure what happened to those at the scene of the accident. But, we are praying for them. And thanking God for His prophetic voice in our lives at the Grenell home. That the Holy Spirit saw danger in my little girls life and stepped in just in time. Part of the daily activity we may never see or count as miracles in our lives. I simply told Jorie that God has a plan for her and that nothing will stop that plan. Her response was matter of fact: She told Satan that he could not have her. Parents, say a prayer over your children, and teach them to listen to the Spirit.

In our Christian lives we often will pray to our heavenly Father in the name of Jesus the Son. But, let us not forget that God is also active in our lives through the person and work of the Holy Spirit. All around us others may have forgotten God. But, He is not gone.
Jeff Grenell